that's how vaping can burn the lungs and destroying them
Young teen destroying his lungs through vaping
Electronic cigarettes deliver nicotine to a smoker not through burning (which obviously implies inhaling harmful and toxic smoke), but through the evaporation of nicotine-containing liquids. An e-cigarette heats up the liquid in a special container called an atomizer for example "the liquid evaporates, and through this vapor a smoker receives their dose of nicotine."(1) Thus, the process of nicotine consumption in this case should be called vaping, not smoking. These liquids usually comprise glycerol, polypropylene glycol,  and some other components . Although some of them are not completely harmless, the chemical composure of e-cigarette liquids is definitely safer than the one of a regular cigarette. However, thorough control over the composure of these liquids should be established, and the usage of such components as ethylene glycol and propagandize should probably be banned. Still, if a smoker does not plan to quit, he or she might want to consider using e-cigarettes instead of real tobacco.


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